Origin France
Tree Features The tree is a strong, semi-upright flower that blooms abundantly before time.
Fruit Features Its fruits are flat round. On a yellow-orange background, red-playing colors appear, covering 80% of its surface. Yellow flesh is durable and delicious. The core depends on flesh. They are not open. It can be tried in places where early peach is grown.
Harvest Time Matures 37 days before Redhaven. Harvested at the beginning of June in the Bursa region.
Pollinators are a self-fertile variety.
Rich May
Origin U.S.A.
Tree Features Trees are strong and productive. Its flowering is in normal time.
Fruit Features Fruits are perfectly sized and round. Yellow flesh is very durable due to its strong attachment to the tree. Fruit color is dark red on yellow background.
Harvest Time Matures 34 days before Redhaven. It is harvested at the beginning of June in the Bursa region.
Pollinators are a self-fertile variety.
May Crest
Origin California
Tree Features The trees are medium strength and moderately fertile.
Fruit Features The fruits are medium-sized, longish rounded and less hairy. Fruit bark is yellow and 80% in bright red color. It is very durable and semi-split.
Harvest Time It matures 30 days before Redhaven. It is harvested from the second week of June in the Bursa region.
Pollinators Self-fertile variety.
Spring Crest
Origin California
Tree Features Trees are strong and productive.
Fruit Features Its fruits are medium in size and round in shape. It is vibrant red. Yellow flesh is very hard and medium flavor. The core depends on flesh.
Harvest Time Matures 28 days before Redhaven. It is harvested from the second week of June in the Bursa region.
Pollinators are a self-fertile variety.
Royal Gem
Origin U.S.A.
Tree Features Trees are a high-yielding medium early variety with strong growth.
Fruit Features The fruits are medium in size and large in good care conditions. The fruits are of good quality and delicious and have a round shape. Fruit color is dark red on yellow background. Fruit flesh is close to orange and resist to transportation.
Harvest Time It is harvested 15 days before Redhaven.
Pollinators ---
Red Elegant
Origin U.S.A.
Tree Features The trees are medium strength and flat. It is highly efficient and regular.
Fruit Features Its fruits are very round. Almost all of them are in red color. Fruit flesh is yellow or yellow orange. It is a very durable variety.
Harvest Time happens 26 days after Redhaven, immediately after Elegant Lady.
Pollinators ---
Royal Glory
Origin California
Tree Features Trees are strong and productive. It develops broadly and widely.
Fruit Features fruits are medium in size and round in shape. It has a bright red color. The yellow flesh is very hard, sweet and slightly tart. Its fruits are flamboyant and semi- hairy. Its seeds are flesh -dependent.
Harvest Time Matures 5 days before Redhaven. It is harvested from the first week of July in the Bursa region.
Pollinators Self-productive variety
Elegant Lady
Origin California
Tree Features Trees are strong. It is sensitive to low temperatures in winter.
Fruit Features The fruits are large, round in shape, extraordinarily beautiful, vibrant red. It is less hairy. Fruit flesh is yellow, slightly sour taste. Its fruits are hard and it is extremely good .
Harvest Time Matures 22 days after is harvested in The first week of August in the Bursa region.
Pollinators self-fertile variety.
Origin U.S.A.
Tree Features Trees It develops semi-upright and strong. It is very efficient.
Fruit Features The fruit has a large round shape. It has an average weight of 250 gr. It is mostly dark or streaked on a yellow background. Fruits are not very hairy. Yellow flesh is durable and very delicious. Fruit size and quality are excellent. It is resistant to splitting and transportation.
Harvest Time Self-fertile variety.
Pollinators Self-fertile variety.
Origin U.S.A.
Tree Features
Trees grow widely and strongly.
Fruit Features
Fruit is flat, average 245 gr. and the fruit is dark red on a yellow background. It is yellow succulent, moderately juicy, resistant to splitting and transportation.
Harvest Time Matures 48 after Redhaven. it is harvested in the first week of September in the Bursa region.
Pollinators are a self-fertile variety.
Fresh Red
Origin It was obtained in 2003 in Don Benito (Badajoz - Spain) as a result of hybridization studies by Provedo - Caval. Flavor Type Sweet, sharp and aromatic. Crispy and juicy flesh.
Tree Features Late yield, dense and bell-type flowering. Very high fruit set. Flowering Mid-term flowering. Bell-type flowers.
Fruit Features Very large fruits for the ripening season. Intense burgundy, protruding and seamless fruits. Less hairy. It is very attractive looking and perfectly round shaped. The fruits are long-lasting and can be harvested during the long harvest period if desired.
Harvest Time Adana 22 May, Izmir 4 June, Bursa 20 June, Çanakkale 25 June, with Reference Variety Spring Lady.
Fresh White
Origin It was obtained in 2001 in Don Benito (Badajoz - Spain) as a result of crossbreeding studies by Origin Provedo - Caval. Flavor Type Fruit is aromatic, refreshing and sweet. Crispy and juicy flesh.
Tree Features Strong and Grow fast , easy cultivation, It is very fruitful and rustic, and full fruits ripen simultaneously. Medium Flowering to late flowering. Its flowers are bell-type and resistant to cold.
Fruit Features It is perfectly round shaped and all fruits on the tree are of equal size. The wonderful red color is spread over the entire surface and is less hairy. They are bright and attractive fruits. It has a very good flavor level and has a very high sugar content. It is very productive and has very hard fruit flesh and slow ripening speed, unlike other white-fleshed peaches.
Harvest Time Adana June 1, Izmir June 13, Bursa June 23, Çanakkale June 28, with Reference Variety Spring Bella.
Extreme 346
Origin It was obtained in 2001 in Don Benito (Badajoz - Spain) as a result of crossbreeding studies by Origin Provedo - Caval. Flavor Type Fruit is aromatic, refreshing and sweet. Crispy and juicy flesh.
Tree Features Strong and Grow fast, easy cultivation. It is very fruitful and rustic, and all fruits ripen simultaneously. Medium flowering to late flowering, flowers are bell type and resistant to cold.
Fruit Features It is perfectly round shaped and all fruits on the tree are of equal size. The wonderful red color is spread over the entire surface and is less hairy. They are bright and attractive fruits. It has a very good flavor level and has a very high sugar content. It is very productive and has very hard fruit flesh and slow ripening speed, unlike other white-fleshed peaches.
Harvest Time Adana 5 June, Izmir 15 June, Bursa 25 June, Çanakkale 30 June, with Reference Variety Spring Lady.
Extreme 514
Origin Its is from Don Benito (Badajoz) Provedo Breeding Program in Spain. Flavor Type Sweet, sharp and aromatic. Crispy and juicy flesh.
Tree Features It is a strong growing tree, very fertile, intense flowering and tonnage. Late flowering. High fruit set.
Fruit Features It forms large scale fruits during ripening period. It is less hairy. It has a very colorful and round shape.
Harvest Time Adana 6 June, Izmir 18 June, Bursa 28 June, Çanakkale 3 July, with Reference Variety Dixered.
Extreme July
Origin It was obtained in 2001 in Don Benito (Badajoz-Spain) as a result of crossbreeding studies by Provedo - Caval. Flavor Type Very sweet and aromatic. Crispy and juicy flesh.
Tree Features Strongly growing and productive. High quality with semi-open grow type and low dilution, it is very easy to get fruit due to its large and equal-sized fruits, it can be harvested in one or two hands or it can be kept in the branch for a long periods. Flowering Late blooms. Flowering is intense and fruit set is high. Has bell-type flowers, it is extremely resistant to cold climates and gives the same result at the seaside.
Fruit Features It is wonderfully delicious and very sweet. Crispy, juicy and aromatic fruit flesh. Equal-sized and bright red fruits, even the fruits in the shade are bright rose color, almost hairless bark structure. Low production cost is a very productive variety.
Harvest Time Adana July 25, Izmir July 7, Bursa July 17, Çanakkale July 22, together with Reference Variety Vista Rich, 7 days after Redhaven.
Extreme Big
Origin It was obtained in 2003 in Don Benito (Badajoz - Spain) as a result of crossbreeding studies by Provedo - Caval. Flavor Type Very sweet and aromatic. Crispy and juicy flesh.
Tree Features It grows strong and semi-open. It is rustic and very efficient. Late Flowering and bell-type flowering. Its resistance to late spring frosts is very high.
Fruit Features Very attractive, less hairy, round-shaped, seamless and protruding. It is the largest peach in the group and looks very beautiful with its very hard, aromatic and pink striped red color with very high yield potential. It has excellent flavor, crunchy and juicy flesh.
Harvest Time Adana 5 July, Izmir 15 July, Bursa 25 July, Çanakkale 30 July, 2 days after the Reference Variety White Lady.
Extreme Sweet
Origin it was obtained in 2001 in Don Benito (Badajoz - Spain) as a result of crossbreeding studies by Provedo - Caval. Flavor Type Very sweet and aromatic. Crispy and juicy flesh.
Tree Features Strongly growing and productive. High quality with semi-open grow type and low dilution. it is very easy to get fruit due to its large and equal-sized fruits, it can be harvested in one or two hands or it can be kept in the branch for a long periods.. The trees are very durable, easy to manage and low production cost. Flowering Late blooms. Flowering is intense and fruit set is high. It has bell-type flowers. It is extremely resistant to cold climates and gives the same success at the seaside.
Fruit Features It is very juicy and with a rich flesh with high storage ability. It is very sweet and delicious and its taste and structure do not change easily even after long storage. It matures slowly and can be collected slowly in single hands if desired, even in the hottest climates. It is very high-yielding and large fruit.
Harvest Time Adana 7 July, Izmir 17 July, Bursa 27 July, Çanakkale 2 August, with Reference Variety Glohaven, 3 days before Elegant Lady.
Extreme Great
Origin It was obtained in 2003 in Don Benito (Badajoz - Spain) as a result of crossbreeding studies by Provedo - Caval. Flavor Type Very sweet and aromatic. Crispy and juicy flesh.
Tree Features It grow strong. Due to its very large size, it has low dilution requirements and low production cost due to the possibility of harvesting with one or both hands if desired due to co-maturation. Flowering Late blooms. Flowering is intense and fruit set is high. It has bell-type flowers. It is extremely resistant to cold climates.
Fruit Features It is a peach with red color, yellow flesh and a perfect size. It has a smooth and less hairy structure. The entire surface is dark burgundy. It has round-shaped, protruding and seamless fruits. It has a very high tonnage due to its huge fruits. Crunchy, juicy and very sweet fruit flesh with its extreme type flavor is also low acid. It matures slowly and has a low production cost.
Harvest Time Adana July 20, İzmir August 1, Bursa August 10, Çanakkale August 15, with Reference Variety Cresthaven.
Fresh Lady
Origin It was obtained in 2003 in Don Benito (Badajoz - Spain) as a result of crossbreeding studies by Provedo - Caval. Flavor Type Sweet, sharp and aromatic. Crispy and juicy flesh.
Tree Features It is a strong and semi-open type, very fertile, densely blooming and very large in size with large diameter fruits. Flowering Late blooms, dense and bell-type flowering. It has very good resistance to frost.
Fruit Features It is round shaped, without protrusion, very attractive, almost hairless. Although it is very hard and it is a fruit with white flesh and ripening very late, it is in perfect color. It has a very sweet and proportional amount of acid in great taste.
Harvest Time Adana 23 July, Izmir 3 August, Bursa 13 August, Çanakkale 18 August, with Reference Variety Cresthaven.
Extreme 460
Origin It was obtained in 2003 in Don Benito (Badajoz - Spain) as a result of crossbreeding studies by Provedo - Caval. Flavor Type Very sweet and aromatic. Crispy and juicy flesh.
Tree Features It grows strong and is productive. It needs less dilution. Almost all fruits are of equal size and large. It has a low production cost due to the possibility of harvesting in one or both hands. Flowering Late blooms.Flowering is intense and fruit set is high. It has bell-type flowers. It is extremely resistant to cold climates.
Fruit Features With its extreme type taste, crunchy, juicy and very sweet fruit meat is also low acid. Fruits last for a long time in the branch. Thanks to its slow maturation, it is collected in one or both hands. It has a smooth and less hairy structure. The entire surface is bright and dark burgundy. It has a round shape, protruding and seamless fruits. It has a very high tonnage due to its huge fruits. It matures slowly and has a low production cost.
Harvest Time Adana August 4, İzmir August 14, Bursa August 24, Çanakkale August 29, Reference Variety J.H. With Hale and O'Henry.
Fresh Big
Origin It was obtained in 2003 in Don Benito (Badajoz - Spain) as a result of crossbreeding studies by Provedo - Caval. Flavor Type Sweet, sharp and aromatic. Crispy and juicy flesh.
Tree Features It grows strong and open type, it is very easy to shape. It is very efficient. It needs less dilution. Almost all fruits are of equal size .it has a low production cost due to the possibility of harvesting in one or both hands. Flowering Medium blooms late. Flowering is intense and fruit set is high. It has bell-type flowers. It is extremely resistant to cold climates.
Fruit Features It is a peach with dark red and round yellow flesh. It has a very attractive appearance. It is sweet and slightly acidic with its fresh type flavor. It is very efficient. It has a low production cost. It is very difficult to find such a good color fruit at ripening time.
Harvest Time Adana 16 August, Izmir 26 August, Bursa 6 September, Çanakkale 11 September, 5 days after Reference Variety O'Henry.
Extreme 568
Origin is from Don Benito (Badajoz), Provedo Breeding Program in Spain. Flavor Type Sweet, sharp and aromatic.
Tree Features It grows in strong open type. It is very productive. Flowering from medium to late blooms and fruit set is high.
Fruit Features It has a very attractive appearance, and very productif . It gets a lot of color during the ripening period.
Harvest Time Adana 20 August, Izmir 2 September, Bursa 12 September, Çanakkale 18 September, 10 days after Reference Variety O'Henry.